Sacred Sites and Trails
Upon your arrival at Terramuse Wellness Sanctuary you may notice unique structures that have been built amongst the rolling vistas. The structures within the landscape are dedicated to certain traditions and cultures that have significant meaning and provide space for contemplation and learning. The sites have a focus on a cultures particular spiritual belief and practice.
The founder of Terramuse Wellness Sanctuary built the sacred sites for visiting guests to enjoy while learning their cultural values and kin-based relationships with the land. While staying at the sanctuary guests may read more about each structure in our “Sacred Sites” book and enjoy walking the trails to the sites with our interactive property map.
The Herm
The Herm structure is a tribute to the ancient Greek god Hermes; herald of the gods, protector of travelers, merchants and orators. Hermes is considered the only god in Greek mythology able to freely and quickly traverse all the sacred realms from Olympus, to the sea kingdom of Poseidon and into the depths of Hades. He is often depicted with wings on his ankles.
The Herm is located on the far Northwest corner of the property; at the four way stop. In ancient Greece the Herm was placed at the crossroads. Certain items such as stones were left at the Herm in hopes of safe travels and blessings.
The Temple of Demeter
The Temple of Demeter is a monopteros, a circular colonnade supported by a roof without walls. Its form dates back to ancient Greece and housed a sacred statue of one of the gods/goddesses. The Temple of Demeter is located a short distance from the Herm and is dedicated to the goddess Demeter; the goddess of fertility of the Earth, agriculture, grains and such. She presides over sacred law and the cycle of life and death.
The Shinto Shrine
The Shinto Shrine is a dedication to the dwelling of the Kami, the Shinto nature spirits. Sacred objects of worship that represent the Kami are stored in the innermost chamber of the shrine. Shinto is the only surviving religion of Japan. In Shintoism, everything is animated by a Kami and we humans may become more balanced and harmonized in our lives when we have a proper relationship to the Kami.
The Shinto Shrine at Terramuse Wellness Center is located close to the main entrance of the property and is noted for its beautiful architectural detail.
The Zen Rock Garden
The Zen Rock garden is a dedication to indigenous Shinto love of meditation and nature. It is a space to withdraw from everyday life which is full of distractions and into a space of quiet solitude in order to empty mind. The rocks in the garden are reminiscent of the ancient scroll paintings from China in which many vertical mountains rise up out of flat plains. The small pea gravel may be “raked” creating patterns and designs relaxing the mind and body.
The Pyramid
The Pyramid is a structure built to honor the sacred structures of the Egyptians, Mayans and other Mesopotamian cultures. The pyramid was believed to assist pharaohs and royalty into the afterlife.
The Stonehenge
The Stonehenge is a tribute to the Stonehenge circular monument located in England.